Wednesday, August 29, 2012

40 Days in Time and Space - Page 2

Here's the second page from 40 Days in Time and Space. The entire archive of the book can be found here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Working on a New Book Project

I've started work on a small new book project. Here's the first page.
Inspired by Moebius's 40 Days in the Desert. The book will contain no words other then those you see on the first page and contain only one panel per page. That's the current plan. I've been know to make deviations from my original plans.

Also, some sketches from the last week.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Illustration Station 006 - Warm up sketch

After a number of set backs, I've gotten back to work on my comics. This image has nothing to do with said comic, but it's just the warm up sketch I did before getting to the real work.

Work work to come, soon.