Friday, December 3, 2010

Illustration Station 004 - Big Fat Scary Thursdays

Here's a flier I designed to help promote a show up here in Brooklyn. The original will be up for sale at the show.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Illustration Station 003 - ray gun girl

It's been a long time since updating, so I thought I'd start with a new illustration instead of some sketchbook pages, but I'll be following up with those pretty soon.

It's a really pulp mass-market cover style drawing, but that's kinda what I like to do when I can't figure out what else to draw.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 024 - new sketches

Some sketches from the last 5 days
Also, I came across a photo of Harvey Pekar, and I figured I'd give a shot at sketching a portrait of somebody who's been drawn by so many comic legends.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 023 - Day 37

Didn't really like that sketch that I put on the first page so I changed it up a little with some Kirby influence.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 022 - New Sketch Book

Started the new sketchbook today. It's a Lama-li sketchbook from Nepal, just like the last one, except this one has a red paper cover.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 021 - filled another sketchbook

I finally finished off this sketchbook. Not with what I would call my best sketches, but either way, it feels good to move onto another book.
And then the last page:
And here's a picture of that sketchbook, held together with venting tape.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 020 - one month

Some new sketches to round out the first month of posting these little drawings of mine.

And this one here is where I had to start on a new pen. Also, I like this idea of a refrigerator graveyard. I really want to put that into something else in the future.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 019 - quick sketches

Just a few people I saw at the bookstore, and after that, I kinda turned them into Bosch-esque monsters.
And then a quick sketch of my dog, Zoe.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 017 - Day 24

I didn't plan on this to be a sketchbook dump, but that seems to be the only artwork I've been able to make time for, lately. Once I get this big video project finished, I think I'll have some illustrations to get to.

This is a character I sketched and have had some fun developing into a bigger concept.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 015 - Day 19

Another femme fatale armed with a megaphone. I've been thinking that these illustrations really need to be done with a gig-poster mentality.
Been working on a video editing project, lately. It's given me lots of time to sketch during processing time, but I really need to get some finished illustrations and comics done, too.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 014 - Day 18

Still playing around with ideas for a bigger illustration. I like juxtaposing a simple figure with a simple silhouette against a very detailed and busy background. Maybe having the figure in color with the background in blocked-in grays. I just don't know if this is the background for the figure I've got in mind, or if I should come up with a new figure idea. I can always save the one I have in mind for later. Questions that can only be answered with more sketches.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 013 - days 14 through 17

Been a busy weekend.
Started sketching this at the Free Press Summerfest in Houston, but the rain kinda stopped my ability to get much more sketching done. Either way, seeing a live performance from the Flaming Lips fill your head with enough imagery to last for months.
A bit of that imagery has been working it's way into an idea for a pin-up poster illustration. Still haven't started on the final image, but I like the way the sketches are going.
Also, the idea for this cathedral/spaceship has been floating around in my head too. I'm not sure about the design I have here, but we'll see where it goes.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 012 - Day 13

Still playing around with environments and refineries. This sketch is a little more of a narrative piece, maybe something to build up into a full illustration.
I really do love the aesthetic quality of refineries. The grow out and build up like a biological process, that's so unique to architecture.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 011 - day 12

New sketch for some kind of industrial, refinery type of city.

Tales from the Sketchbook 010 - Captain Kiser

Last month I was involved in a little lucha libre match at art gallery in Dallas. The main event was a match between Captain Kiser and The Roughneck. Here are some pictures:
Threw out a couple of sketches today of Captain Kiser and his arch rivals The Art Mafia. Drew them in more of a comics (highly Mignola influenced) style.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 008 - Days 8 and 9

Day 8

Time got away from me yesterday, and I forgot to post a sketch. It's not a very good one, though. I was just playing around with a costume idea.

Day 9

Working on some robot design ideas for the current comic page I'm working on. I like the idea of single task robots or even a group of robots who come together to only do one task. It's horribly in-efficient and goes against all good design, but it also makes for a fun and lively scene.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 007 - Day 7

Today, I'm a little bit rushed. Worked outside today, and in this Houston heat, that can be pretty killer. Just a quick sketch based on Japanese woodblock prints. The Edo period produced some amazing examples of showing internal and external space in the same continuous image. I expect to do some Action Man comics using those compositional techniques.

Tales from the Sketchbook 006 - Day 6

concept for kind of a Lovecraft inspired monster. A lot of inspiration from the Old Ones.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 005 - Day 5

Playing with the idea of the city of robots for the next few pages of the Action Man Adventures. Thinking about how to keep scaling up the size of the robots as the view of the city widens out. I doubt I'll have much more figured out until I get to the page itself. Still gotta finish the page I'm on, first.

Tales from the Sketchbook 004 - Day 4

Not much today. Just sketching some ideas for the next page of the Action Man Adventures. Also, had an idea for a robot that should show up later. I don't think the bow-tie will make it to the final page, but here's hoping.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 003 - Day 3

After drawing that comic idea yesterday, I got to thinking of people who returned to the water, in their own way. Really broke out the old R. Crumb school of portraits style on these two drawings.

Tales from the Sketchbook 002 - Day 2

I had an idea about a person getting rid of their limbs and turning back into a fish, choosing to devolve. I don't know what I'll do with this comic, but maybe if I get back to making zines, this'll end up as a two page story.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tales from the Sketchbook 001 - 500 days of sketching:Day 1

I've always been something of a prolific contributor to my sketchbooks. That said, I haven't been doing much sketching over the last year. Some of this can be blamed on doing a lot more digital work, but either way, it's time to get back to a pen, a book and a random something in my head or in front of my eyes. This brings me to a new feature on this new and developing, little art blog: 500 days of sketching. I thought about a year, but I've never really liked the idea of doing something over the course of a year. The only logical thing to do was round up to 500, and then go from there.

So here it begins. I thought I'd start with a few items from the last week or so.
And here's one from today, Sunday, May 23, 2010
More to come tomorrow...